

You want to continue your studies in France? WES'SUP, a specialist in the reception of foreign students accompanies you in your steps.





  1. Constitution of the file
    • Application form
    • Degrees obtained / Provisional certificate of success
    • Transcripts last two years
    • ID / passport card
    • CV + LM
    • Letter of recommendation (possibly)
  2. Passing the tests online
    • On the online platform using the identifiers that will be sent to you previously

  3. Skype Interview

Interview with the pedagogical director of the section concerned to evaluate your motivations and the adequacy of your career and your professional project.

This interview will take approximately 30 minutes.

If you do not have a skype account the interview can be done exceptionally by phone.

Each site having a specific skype account, it will be necessary to add the account corresponding to the selected site:

Entretien grenoble

Entretien lyon

Certificate of pre-registration

Once the tests and interviews have been validated by the pedagogical manager of the concerned section, we will provide you with a pre-registration certificate so that you can make further progress with Campus France.

This pre-registration certificate will be sent jointly to the Campus France area in your country of residence.

It will nevertheless make the transfer of the deposit (Table + Rib) before your appointment at the Embassy. In fact upon receipt of the deposit, we will

provide you with a Certificate of Registration that will allow you to finalize your consular procedures and prove that your registration is validated.

B / Campus-France

The academic criteria for education were specified by an interministerial circular (Interior, Foreign Affairs, Higher Education and Research), on 27 January 2006.

In particular, general criteria must be taken into account, such as the chances of having their training project in France leading to a "career success", the possible contribution of the project to the economic and social development of the country of origin or the interest France and its cooperation with the country concerned.

1 / The circular is more precise with the specific criteria:

Criterion 1: level reached by the candidates in their university course, with a priority for the students likely to integrate a Master or a Doctorate, the holders of a French baccalaureate, the students admitted in preparatory class and those admitted in the selective channels short education (IUT, STS).

Criterion 2: Quality of the previous curriculum, in particular by collecting and then communicating to French institutions "any information to inform their autonomous decision of pre-registration thanks to indications relating to the value of the institutions and courses followed by the candidates", thanks the reliability of the mentions and assessments they have reported, as well as the consistency of their mobility project with the previous course.

Criterion 3: Institutional framework of the mobility project, with a priority given to candidates coming within the framework of a cooperation agreement


2/ Documents to be provided (table of supporting documents)

Download the component parts of the file below

3/ Campus France

Click here for more information on Campus-France